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Protect Your Largest Asset &

Be Prepared for Any Type of Disaster

Create your free digital property profile and start documenting your home today!

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Documenting for Disaster

store all important home documents on our secure cloud based platform

It could be the difference between recovering & not recovering!

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Disaster Bundle (Home)

Digital Go Bundle (Personal)

5 Steps to Disaster Documentation

Secure important documents and maximize your insurance claim payout.


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Gather important documents


Become prepared for any disasters

Be PREPARED for All Disasters!

What would happen if you lost your entire home today? Could you recover?

Protect Important Documents!

Natural disasters are on the rise. As a result, 2024 ended as the second most active year on record with 1,776 confirmed tornadoes. How well could you recover after a disaster like this if you didn’t have any of your vendor information, receipts, home inventory list, etc. Using our free Homeowner Enablement Platform, you can easily upload all your important documents to our secure cloud-based platform and have access to them from anywhere in the world.

Maximum Claim Payout!

Firestorms in the U.S. have become increasingly common, fueled by rising temperatures, prolonged droughts, and extreme weather patterns. These devastating events often leave homeowners with nothing but ashes, facing displacement and lengthy recovery processes. Those without proper documentation often suffer the most, struggling to secure the insurance payouts they deserve, highlighting the critical importance of being prepared. By uploading images of your home into our free Homeowner Enablement Platform you can maximize your claim payout after any disaster.

Avoid Insurance Push Back

Hurricane Ian, a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall in southwest Florida causing widespread destruction across the state and estimated damages of $112 billion. Of the 494,078 claims submitted, nearly 52% were closed without payment or still open without payment six months following the event. Many times, this is due to lack of documentation before and after the disaster occurs. Our Homeowner Enablement Platform is a secure cloud-based platform and the perfect place to upload images and important home information to provide insurance companies to avoid push back and maximize insurance payout.

Rebuild Faster

Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S., causing between $179.8 billion and $496 billion in damages annually. In many cases, homes are completely destroyed leaving homeowners faced with the daunting task of starting the rebuild process from a clean slate. DomiDocs Homeowner Enablement Platform offers many features to help homeowners rebuild including a vendor database to easily find information on your past vendors as well as local recommended new vendors. You can also store all important home documents on our secure cloud-based platform so you do not have to worry about them getting swept away in a storm. Rebuild faster with DomiDocs.

Maximize Your Insurance Claim Payout
Insurance companies aim to minimize payouts.

We help level the playing field to ensure you get what you deserve.
Secure Your Important Documents in Minutes with Documenting for Disaster

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