The DomiDocs Guide to Blizzard Preparedness

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

– Charles Darwin

Changes of season are no different than most scenarios in life where being prepared is key. And no matter how much we love or hate winter, it’s coming one way or another so it’s best to get ready for the unknown, especially as a homeowner when a winter blizzard can wreak havoc on your home and day-to-day activities.


Are You Ready for This

The National Weather Service defines a blizzard as: “Blowing and/or falling snow with winds of at least 35 mph, reducing visibilities to a quarter of a mile or less for at least three hours. Winds lofting the current snowpack and reducing visibilities without any falling snow is called a ground blizzard.” These severe snowstorms can produce low temperatures, high winds, low visibility, snow, ice, freezing and/or flooding. advises that blizzards can:

  • last from a few hours to several days

  • cause buildings to collapse

  • cut off communication, electricity, and heat

  • create greater risk for children, older adults, health-compromised individuals, and pets

  • power lines and/or trees may come down

  • rural homes could be isolated for days

National Oceanic ad Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) advises that winter storms

across America cost an average of $4.3 billion per event.

Blizzard Stats

According to a research study conducted by Ball State University, IN, in past years the US experienced an average of 9 blizzards per year, however, in recent years the average has almost doubled to 19 blizzard events annually. The blizzard alleys of the Great Plains and Upper Midwest states are the most prone to winter storms, with Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota receiving the bulk of the disturbances. In some states such as Iowa, there’s even a statewide Winter Weather Awareness Day held each November.

Besides storm conditions themselves, blizzards can create a higher risk for:

  • carbon monoxide poisoning, from non-electrical fuel-burning appliances such as oil-burning furnaces, propane heaters, wood-burning fireplaces; never attempt to heat your home by using a gas oven/stovetop
  • car accidents, due to icy/whiteout conditions
  • frostbite: where signs may include numbness, firm/waxy skin, or greyish-white/yellow skin
  • heart attacks, due to overexertion from shoveling seemingly endless amounts of snow
  • hypothermia: where signs may include confusion, drowsiness, exhaustion, fumbling hands, memory loss, or slurred speech


Blizzard Categories Defined

As per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there is no widely used scale when it comes to classifying snowstorms, however, the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS) is commonly used to classify blizzards in the Northeast, while recognizing the impact such a storm can have on the rest of the country including economic and transportation concerns. NESIS calculates a score using a combination of the amount of snow, the size of the area affected by the storm, and the population living in the storm path. The resulting score is categorized into five groups:

Category NESIS Value Description Notable Northeast Blizzard Occurrences by Year
2.37 in 2000
3.99 in 2009
5.93 in 1966
8.77 in 1960
13.2 in 1993

One of the largest blizzards recorded was the Cleveland Superbomb in January of 1978, which comprised blizzard conditions across an area the size of Montana and Texas combined (approximately 407,260 square miles).

Is There A Blizzard Season states that while blizzards are most commonly experienced in December and January, documentation shows at least one blizzard each month throughout the year, excluding July through September.


How DomiDocs Can Help You Navigate Through a Disaster

The key to weathering any natural disaster is preparation—knowledge and organization are your best tools. As a homeowner, taking proactive steps to protect your family and property before disaster strikes is essential. The secure, award-winning DomiDocs Homeowner Enablement Platform® helps you stay prepared by allowing you to:

  • Create a detailed home inventory – Upload receipts, photos, and videos documenting your home’s condition and contents to ensure an accurate record for insurance purposes.
  • Store and manage essential insurance documents – Use the Insurance Bundle feature to securely organize policies, including company details, coverage, cost, and policy start and end dates. A calendar timeline provides quick reference, and with one click, you can share documents with your insurance agent when filing a claim.
  • Prepare for and recover quickly from any disasters – Ensure quick and easy access to critical homeownership and insurance documents before and after a natural disaster. Use the Disaster Bundle to safely store everything from insurance policies and mortgage information to your home inventory list, photos & videos and emergency vendors—allowing you to recover faster when you need it most.
  • Stay ready for emergencies – Keep all your most important documents—such as IDs, medical records, financial statements, and emergency contacts—securely stored and instantly accessible. The Digital Go Bundle ensures you have everything you need in one place, whether you’re evacuating or managing post-disaster recovery.
  • Follow expert homeowner guidance – Access the comprehensive DomiDocs New Homeowner Guide, which offers best practices to help prevent insurance claims and keep your home in top condition.


By leveraging these tools, you’ll have the critical information you need at your fingertips, making it easier to recover and rebuild after a disaster.


The Basics Of Blizzard Preparedness

Before A Blizzard, Take The Time To:
Determine your personal blizzard risk.
You’re probably aware of possible winter conditions that may occur, but do you know if you live in an area prone to more than your fair share of blizzards? Check with local authorities so you know what may be coming your way in winter.
Prep your home for a blizzard.
  • The very basics of prepping your home for a winter storm include:

    • ensuring you have an adequate supply of heating fuel/coal/firewood on-hand
    • insulating your door and windows with caulking, weatherstripping and/or the use of storm windows
    • wrapping any exposed pipes with tape insulation
    • servicing your snow removal equipment
    • testing/installing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, with battery backups
    • having an adequate supply of salt or de-icer on hand
    • purchasing a back-up generator and ensuring you follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions for usage
    • if you have a rural property with livestock, ensure there’s adequate shelter/food/non-frozen water available, as well as access to higher ground in the case of flooding; consider installing snow fences to help keep storms at bay
Sign up for your area’s weather alert system.

Besides your local alert systems, also be sure to pay attention to alerts issued by NOAA and the Emergency Alert System

Know the signs of a blizzard.
  • Increase in wind
  • Decrease in temperature
  • Know your winter weather definitions:

    – Winter Weather Advisory: issued to advise of snow/freezing rain/sleet that could lead to life-threatening scenarios if caution is not used

  – Winter Storm Watch: typically issued 12–48 hours prior to a storm; means heavy snow/freezing rain/sleet is possible

   – Winter Storm Warning: typically issued 12–24 hours beforehand; means heavy snow/freezing rain/sleet is imminent or already occurring, and you need to seek shelter immediately

    – Wind Chill Temperature: is the temperature that animals and humans feel  on exposed skin when they’re outside in cold weather. When the wind increases, it carries away body heat at a faster rate, which makes the temperature feel much colder than it actually is

Develop an evacuation plan.

Every member of your family needs to know what your homeowner evacuation plan is. Where will you go? How will you get there? What optional evacuation routes will you have if your initial choice is blocked? Where will you stay? Knowing these basics in advance can help stem panic during an actual natural disaster situation. Have a to-go bag in place with all the supplies you’ll need, including items for your pets. If you’ll need assistance in traveling, you’ll need to confirm with someone in advance. And be sure to follow any evacuation orders that have been issued. As a family, discuss how you can help your neighbors during a natural disaster by checking in or helping them evacuate as well.

Winterize your vehicles.
  • Ensure you’ve got good winter tires with adequate tread; in heavy snow regions, consider using studded snow tires and/or carrying chains
  • Have your mechanic check your:
    • antifreeze
    • battery
    • brakes
    • defroster
    • exhaust system
    • hazard lights
    • headlights
    • heater
    • ignition system
    • oil
    • signal lights
    • thermostat
    • windshield wipers/washer fluid
Assemble an emergency kit for your car.

Be sure to always keep a full tank of gas during the winter season.

A winter emergency kit for your car should include:

  • blankets
  • bottled water
  • flashlight
  • jumper cables
  • matches in a waterproof container
  • non-perishable snacks
  • red bandana-style cloth to tie to your antenna should your need assistance
  • sand/cat litter to help gain traction
  • warm clothes
  • windshield scraper/broom
Assemble disaster supplies for your family members and your pets.

The American Red Cross recommends gathering 2 emergency supply kits:

  1. A Go-Kit: with a 3-day supply of items you can carry with you, including chargers for your devices (cell phone, wheelchair, CPAP, etc.) and backup batteries; as well as non-perishable food, water, and medications. Cash is also important to have on hand as ATMs may not be working/accessible. 
  2. A Stay-at-Home Kit: with a 2-week supply of the above items.

NOAA recommends adding the following to round out your emergency disaster supply kits, where applicable:

  • masks, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitizer
  • non-prescription medicine such as antacids, anti-diarrhea, and pain relievers
  • contact lens solution/prescription eyeglasses
  • baby bottles, formula, wipes, diapers, and diaper rash cream
  • feminine hygiene supplies
  • sleeping bags/blankets
  • a change of clothing for each family member, including sensible footwear
  • fire extinguisher
  • matches in a fireproof container
  • mess kit with plates, utensils, cups, and paper towels
  • activities for kids like puzzles, games, or books
Review/update your homeowner insurance policy.

It’s estimated that 40% of Americans can’t find an important household document when needed, so the first step is to upload your vital household documents to our user-friendly digital platform, so there’s easy access 24/7/365. Secondly, reassess your homeowner policy to ensure you have the best coverage to fit your needs. Compare the cost and coverage that you have in place, to what else is available from your current insurer and other companies. If there have been any major additions to your home and/or contents in the last year, it’s time to review your homeowner insurance policy to ensure it’ll cover your new additions.

  • Homeowner insurance doesn’t cover flooding resulting from accumulated snow/blizzards, so you’ll need to purchase a separate policy for it; note that there’s a 30-day waiting period before flood insurance takes effect
  • If you’re struggling to afford energy-related heating costs, home repairs, or weatherization, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program may be able to help.
Make your home disaster-resistant.
Depending on where you live across America, insurance companies may reward your efforts in making your home disaster-resistant by offering discounted homeowner insurance premiums. Strengthen structural areas of your home and upgraded plumbing systems can lessen the risk of water damage from an older broken pipe.
Have supplies on hand to make emergency repairs.

Such supplies can include plastic sheeting, tarps, sandbags, and/or plywood, plus the necessary tools to apply these to your home like a staple gun and/or duct tape.

Before an earthquake, consider adding these to your emergency repair toolbox:

  • gloves
  • an ax
  • a broom
  • a shovel
  • rope
Complete a written disaster plan.

Now that you’ve got everything in place, there’s no better way to solidify it than by making a written plan, which should include regularly practicing your escape route, and maintaining your disaster prep plan supplies by replacing expired items. Ensure your plan includes a contact list, with at least one contact who lives outside the impacted area; share your disaster plan with family and friends. Register on the American Red Cross Safe and Well website so friends and family will know you are okay.

Take the time to emergency life-saving skills.

The American Red Cross recommends that adults and kids around the age of nine learn first aid and CPR skills., the American Red Cross, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the following:

When A Blizzard Is Happening:
Avoid driving whenever possible.
If you become trapped inside a vehicle, stay inside the vehicle. Attach the red cloth/bandana to your antenna to signal you need help. Only turn on your car engine for 10 minutes every hour, while using the heater/turning on the overhead light, and ensuring there’s no blockage to your exhaust. Huddle together for warmth, do light exercises, drink fluids, and avoid overexertion.
If you must go outside for whatever reason, wear layers of warm clothing; pay attention to signs of hypothermia and/or frostbite. Cover your mouth when outdoors to avoid lung damage; talk minimally and don’t take deep breaths. Stay dry to prevent loss of body heat.
Double-check your emergency supplies including bottled water, plus battery-operated flashlights and a radio.
Monitor local news reports and emergency alerts.
If you need help, contact your local Red Cross for emergency shelter information.
Conserve your home’s fuel by lowering the thermostat to 55° F at night, and 65° F during the day.

Navigating Insurance Claims: What Every Homeowner Should Know

When you’re facing the aftermath of a natural disaster, working with your insurance company is an inevitable part of the recovery process. DomiDocs® CEO and Founder, William McKenna advises homeowners to carefully review their insurance company’s initial settlement offer, as it may not fully cover all damages. Many experts recommend assessing the offer to ensure it aligns with your policy coverage.

What should you do? Access your personal profile on the DomiDocs® home management platform to easily submit your documented receipts, photos, and videos to your insurance adjuster with just one click. Before accepting a settlement, take the time to consider all potential losses, including missed wages, medical expenses (both current and future), vehicle repairs, and any other damages. Being thorough can help ensure you receive the full coverage you’re entitled to under your policy.

DomiDocs has your back! Whether it’s a hurricane, tornado, flood, or fire, the DomiDocs Resouce Page: How To File An Insurance Claim is here to guide you through the claims and recovery process.

Take Control of Your Homeownership Journey with DomiDocs®

Managing your home shouldn’t be stressful. DomiDocs® empowers homeowners with innovative technology, expert guidance, and unparalleled organization—all within a secure, cloud-based platform. From protecting your property and finances to streamlining essential tasks, our tools help you save time, reduce expenses, mitigate costly risks, and maximize your home’s value.

Explore the DomiDocs suite of solutions:

  • Homeowner Enablement Platform® – A centralized, digital hub for organizing documents, tracking home value, and managing property details effortlessly.
  • HomeLock™ – Protects your home from fraud and title theft with 24/7 monitoring and instant alerts.
  • TrueValueIndex® – Provides real-time insights into your home’s value to help you make informed financial decisions.
  • propRtax® – Identifies potential property tax savings and ensures you’re not overpaying.
  • Documenting for Disaster® – Securely stores critical homeownership documents, ensuring quick access before and after a disaster.


Join the home management revolution today and experience the confidence that comes with having everything you need in one place.

Author – Connie Motz